• ‘Black/White Series’ | Cape Town, South Africa

    Johannesburg artist Lawrence T Jadezweni, along with friend Sakhile 'Sax' Marvis, has created a collaborative project that through photographs explore each other's perspectives during a trip to Cape Town.


    The Black/White Series


    This is a series of photographs, taken from a cellular phone, which portray the collaborative visual endeavour during a one week trip taken by Lawrence T Jadezweni and Sakhile 'Sax' Marvis in the city and outer regions of Cape Town.

    What makes this series of images unique is the fact that each of us had his own visual interpretation of the other, yet the similarities between the images contextualize the overall journey here represented. The experimental features within the edit style in each image are meant to create a certain texture and evoke emotions that resonate with each individual viewer.


    Wale Street consists of five images taken within the city of Cape Town upon our arrival inside the high walls and feeling surrounded by the extravagant architecture presented to us. Looking back I think of the overwhelming feeling of excitement as well as anxiety.




    The Realm, in essence, is about our transitional phase, when we begin to engage with the city and what it had to offer. By this time we had entered Gordons Bay where we were to live for a period of time.

    I tried to blend in some of the images together in a signature style and also a mixture of tonalities and colour for some of the images, attempting to create a deeper story and mood.



    Bucket List represents the third and final sequel in a three-part photo-series. The subjects (us) are here fully immersed in their surroundings, embracing the full spectra of the city. This is why the series has been created as an audio-visual installation.

    Photo Cred: Lawrence & Sax
    Edited By: Lawrence
    Music Composed By: Oracle (Jazz Orchestra)