• re: ‘Каждый принадлежит всем’ / ‘Everyone belongs to everyone’ from A.Huxley’s “Brave New World”

    Hello! Thanks for asking. I will tell you that the entire series of 'AntiUtopia Orwell and Huxley' is imbued with symbolism. The five works that relate to the book "Brave New World" are inscribed in a circle with a diameter of 500 millimeters. One of the aspects that I wanted to convey to people is, of course, the world in which the characters of the book live, a limited world, a closed world, and this border is depicted not for heroes, because from there, in principle, no one wanted to run, everyone lived happily. And for external (savages)  and for us readers (viewers) to add the effect of presence - we see, but we can not cross the line. This gritsa for us with you.

    • Thank you! Your work has made me want to go back and read the two books again. Have some of your other pieces been inspired by particular books?

    • Thank you! Your work has made me want to go back and read the two books again. Have some of your other pieces been inspired by particular books?