• re: ‘Признание’ / ‘Confession’ from A.Huxley’s “Brave New World”

    Hello, thank you for the comment and undoubtedly an interesting interpretation to this work. It certainly has a symbolism concerning the colors that are used. Indeed, the picture is very paradoxical. I pictured it positively. The green color behind him symbolizes the surrounding world, where he came from. Red color, how much he resists the system, in which he fell, against the norms in this territory. And the yellow under the palm of your hand, that John is in love, is really human. And he sincerely does not understand that state, the absence of real emotions, so he is pale. Many of the black strokes used in the picture symbolize the one and only end that awaits him in this deceitful, vicious world.

    • I love the symbolism of the impending darkness with the black lines on the lively colors. You use a mixed media approach to depict the black font marring his pale skin. This amplifies the tone of his skin as more than devoid of emotion. Is this aspect also signifying the blackness encroaching? It first penetrates the surface level of his outer layer where any emotions that may have existed have already receded as illustrated by the drained color.

      I’m also curious as to why you chose not to outline the second hand, crossed under the first, in black. Was that a style or meaning directed choice?