Rabindranath Tagore Centre

Indian Council for Cultural Relations

12 - 28  February  2016

Translations webpage

  Trans-lating refers to bringing across, transporting, transferring. It is a process that aims to make ideas and information understandable from one language to another, to make them accessible from one culture to the next.

It also refers to change, transformation, mutation, migration. Crossing borders and cultures.

Artists translate when they give forms to their ideas, thoughts, feelings, when they move to one expressive medium to another.

Translations are about communication. They expand our understanding and  facilitate dialogue.

Translations are a pressing issue in contemporary society, where we are all connected by the new media, but don't easily communicate with those who are different from our own.

What do we lose in translation, and what do we find?


Untitled 2


Chip Lord:  Professor Emeritus of Art, University of California, Santa Cruz

Samindranath Majumdar, Artist, Professor at Indian College of Art and Draftmanship, Kolkata

Arzu Mistry: Artist, organiser, educator at Srishti School of Art and Design, Bangalore, India

Geraldine Ondrizek: Professor of Art, Reed College, Portland, Oregon

Emergent Art Space artistic direction


 Submit high resolution images to: translationsinkolkata@gmail.com

Address requests for more information to Jayeti Bhattacharya at jayeti.bhattacharya@gmail.com