In this painting, the indoor woods on artificially processed wooden flooring is a stark contrast to wild woods.
The picture as a whole is enhanced with the perspective in an artificial space, as well as the spatial relations among
tree trunks of varying thickness. It underscores how man is separated from Mother Nature and at the same time arrogantly
attempts to get close to, or protect it.
The gigantic grasshopper juxtaposed with personified mannequins suggests how man is different from, while related to,
the other forms of life.
Even though the dead trees hardly provide any decent shade, the room’s interior features an interplay of light and shadow
that is possible only in the presence of lush foliage. That arrangement is a metaphor of how the future we believe in, or our
imagined end of things, are always against the reality. In other words, mankind's ultimate pursuit is but an illusion.