Yea. Wish i had a proper camera, although i am thankful iv got the opportunity to experiment with this kind of technology in forms of apps. My background in painting and sculpture has everything to do with my work, i love space, the negative and positive is very interesting to me, also how we interact with it. In sculpture space is everything for example, where and how a sculpture is exhibited is massively important to its creation. (well, so ive been led to believe it any way). Same again for colour, composition and texture in painting. i tried to take all these aspects in to consideration when editing, lots of trial and error really but i figured that, subtle blur and focal points create an illusion of dimensions. Thank you again for having the time to look at my work and your very generous compliments. Wish you all the best. Fil
I can definitely see how your background with three-dimensional artwork plays into these shots. The intensity in the colors and lighting dramatically envelops the viewer, something that is not easy with iPhone images. And the way your panoramas play with focus and space creates an intriguing environment. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!